There are a range of practical learning programmes that Metair offers to promising candidates to provide opportunities to develop a skills pipeline for future potential employment. These include learnership programmes, apprenticeship programmes, candidate technician internships, candidate engineers’ programmes and graduate-in-training programmes.
Hesto’s training school is accredited with the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (MERSETA) and the company runs an accelerated artisan training programme in collaboration with the Department of Labour and MERSETA. Various operations also run adult education and training (AET) courses and Lumotech provides for permanent employees to further their studies at a recognised college or university. Mutlu Akü provides access to an e-learning platform (Mutlu Akudemi) for employees and distributors.In 2016 there were 87 participants on non-artisan learnerships,and 156 new recruits to artisan apprenticeship programmes. The group also invested R1.9 million to support 142 promising bursary students studying in engineering, finnance and technical fields.